Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

The increasing dependence on Mobility as a Service (MaaS) platforms has reshaped urban mobility, providing accessible and convenient forms of transport. However, increased industry growth comes with a heightened risk of fraud. Driver background verification checks must be conducted to protect passengers and safeguard the industry. Implement driver screening solutions to scale your business without compromising safety or compliance.

Mobility as a service, driver screening and driver background verification
Mobility as a service, driver screening and driver background verification

In 2023, the transportation industry was one of the top five sectors most affected by identity fraud, highlighting the critical need within the sector for robust identity verification and KYC procedures.

Trusted by big names

Al Baraka Logo
Citi Black Logo
Accenture Black Logo
Lyca Mobile Black Logo
Icon of a user under a magnifier. Due diligence compliance

Easily Scalable

Scale your organization while remaining compliant with international regulations. Verify the identities of drivers, vehicle renters, and passengers accurately and efficiently. 

icon showing account opening on a laptop

AI-Powered Automation

Implement a screening process with AI-powered accuracy, eliminating the need for manual data entry. Implement driver identity checks to streamline your onboarding process.

Icon showing a dollar bill with a tick and a cross. AML Solutions

Effortless Integration

Integrate our solutions with your existing tech stack easily. Our range of SDKs allows for a straightforward integration process. Protect your passengers and your organization.

Illustration of a browser window. ecommerce. Address verification service
Mobility as a service, driver screening and driver background verification
ID verified

Driving License Verification

AI-Powered Precision

With our advanced document check, you can accurately verify the authenticity and validity of a driver’s license.

Our state-of-the-art AI and advanced analytics are able to examine visual security elements with unfaltering precision, quickly identifying signs of potential tampering or manipulation.

Protect your organization by ensuring key personnel, such as vehicle renters or drivers, possess valid documentation, drastically reducing the risk of fraud.

Biometric Identity Verification

Biometric Identity Checks for Drivers

Leverage our biometric verification to provide secure driver registration, eliminating the risk of fraudulent entries.

We extract and analyze biometric samples from selfies, such as skin texture and subtle micro expressions, comparing them to government-issued identity document images.

Our ISO 30107-3 and PAD Level 2-certified biometric liveness detection technology can also detect presentation attacks, ensuring that your drivers are physically present during registration

Mobility as a service, driver screening and driver background verification
Icon of a passport. AML CTF regulations
Verified badge, social media kyc to remove fake social media profiles with social media identity verification.

Age Estimation Engine

Driver Screening and Age Verification

Ensure that your organization complies with employment regulations by implementing age verification checks. Verify the age of your drivers and key personnel within your transportation service effortlessly.

Our cutting-edge biometric face recognition and liveness detection engine can verify driver age from just one selfie. Safeguarding minors, as well as your organization, without needing traditional ID documents for age verification.

Right to work

UK DIATF-Certified Right to Work Checks

Our UK DIATF-compliant Right to Work checks enable employers across the UK to conduct necessary team member screening while remaining compliant with government standards. 

Our Right to Work check is powered by our advanced biometric identity and document checks and our UK Identity Fraud check, which taps into the SIRA network and draws employee intelligence from over 170 UK institutions. Integration with Amber Hill and the DDRI will also help identify signs of synthetic fraud among driver identities. Streamline driver onboarding by implementing our Right to Work verification.

Mobility as a service, driver screening and driver background verification
UK DIATF for fraud checks and identity verification protection
Mobility as a service, driver screening and driver background verification
UK DIATF for fraud checks and identity verification protection

DISclosure and barring service

UK DIATF-Certified DBS Checks

The UK government’s DIATF initiative recognizes us as a Certified Digital Identity Service Provider (IDSP) for Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks.

Our bespoke solution allows employers across the UK to carry out enhanced DBS checks for employees whilst remaining compliant with government standards. Ensure potential drivers have the right to work in the UK and assess their suitability for your organization.

Recommended solutions

Icon showing a silhouette of a person. Customer due diligence

Customer due diligence

Whether your requirements call for Customer Due Diligence (CDD) or Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD), ensure safety with our top-tier onboarding.

Icon shows Law enforcement

Sanctions & PEP Screening

Identify Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) and stop bad actors with our  advanced screening service, covering individuals and entities under sanctions.

Icon of a calendar

Continuous monitoring

Stay ahead of your ODD responsibilities with our continuous monitoring service. Receive real-time updates if there’s a change in the status of a customer.

Numbers that back it up

Why Complycube?

The ComplyCube platform offers the most complete and flexible KYC tools to help you build trust in your business. Whether you’re a startup or a multinational enterprise, we’ve got you covered.

10+ million

Transactions are processed week in and week out across the globe.


Countries and territories supported for a greater peace of mind.


Data points from trusted sources and partners across the world, giving you the highest coverage.


Client onboarding rate, helping you convert more customers and grow your business.