
Get the latest insights into identity verification & AML and KYC best practices

biometric identity verification

Use Cases For Biometric Identity Verification

With global fraud risks escalating at an alarming rate, which sectors need to implement biometric identity verification? Biometric verification has never been more critical to safeguard all sectors than in this digital era....
synthetic identity fraud, facial biometrics, synthetic identities

Detecting Synthetic Identity Fraud in 2025

Synthetic identity fraud is on the rise, and it poses a real threat to every business. Facial biometric analysis, AML risk scoring, and other advanced fraud detection solutions can help quickly spot synthetic identity fraud....
risk based approach for customer risk and customer due diligence

The Evolution Of The Risk Based Approach in AML

Assessing customer risk is key to preventing crime within the finance sector. Learn how financial services organizations use a risk based approach with Customer Due Diligence (CDD) to mitigate fraud-related risk specifically. ...
biometric identity verification, facial biometrics, biometric verification

How AI Powers Biometric Identity Verification

Stronger defenses must be implemented to ensure the safety of customers and businesses alike from the risk of fraud. Advanced biometric identity verification systems leverage AI-powered liveness detection to ensure security....

KYC Checks For a Secure Onboarding Process

The potential cost of losing just a small percentage of potential new customers due to timely, complex manual KYC processes is now as much as €10 million a year. Learn how automated KYC checks can fortify business operations....
driver's license verification service blog header, mobility as a service

Driver’s License Verification Service in the UK

As the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) sector continues to grow, safety and compliance must take priority. MaaS operators must use a Driver's License Verification Service to verify drivers' licenses and provide safe services....
digital crimes such as deepfakes

Digital Crime to Watch Out For in 2025

Digital crime is on the rise on a worldwide scale, as presentation attacks using AI-generated deepfakes become increasingly advanced. With 2025 on the horizon, learn how businesses can fortify defences and safeguard operations....
CryptoCubed: The September Crypto Newsletter

The CryptoCubed Newsletter: December Edition

This month’s crypto news is a masterclass in how to turn nothing into millions by combining internet trends, speculation, and a complete disregard for fundamental value. Buckle up for crypto chaos, welcome back to CryptoCubed!...
eID verification with the EUDI wallet under eIDAS 2.0.

A Digital Europe: Introducing the EUDI Wallet

Electronic Identification (eID) schemes have become a key part of Europe’s digital transformation, creating an interoperable ecosystem for identity verification. With eIDAS 2.0, the EUDI wallet will now reshape digital Europe. ...