Trust Node: Level 1 Crypto KYC

Our proprietary suite of crypto KYC solutions ensures operational continuity by preventing bad actors and illicit financial activities from plaguing your platform. Create your own crypto KYC thresholds with our flexible AML crypto compliance platform.

Crypto KYC is easier when you integrate ComplyCube's Trust Node

Global crypto users are expected to reach 1 billion by 2025. Nearly a 100% increase from today. Compliance solutions must be built to scale.

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Robust KYC Solutions

Our industry-leading verification technology
deters bad actors and fraudsters without adding arduous onboarding steps.

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Automated Customer Onboarding

IDV workflows are autonomous, cutting the cost of client acquisition while enabling growth. 

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Growth Enabler

Our solutions allow you to focus on international expansion initiatives without worrying about compliance.

Trusted by big names

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citi bank off white
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Global Identity Verification

Automated IDV Flows

Using AI-powered verification engines, we instantly analyze and match a document with a selfie to check for similarities.

Our automated and easy-to-follow user experience means users are verified in under 30 seconds and can begin depositing.

  • Immediate verification

  • Reliable results

  • Prevent churn

crypto compliance is simplified with automated idv flows.
Multi bureau checks

Thorough AML Screening

Crypto Due Diligence

Go further with Proof of Address and Multi-Bureau verification to capture deep client data. Confirm  users’ addresses with our in-house geolocation and IP matching system.

Our vast range of institutional partners gives you access to global databases, allowing you to ratify user information and reveal potentially suspicious connections.

Manage Associated Risks

AML Risk Scoring

Our smart traffic-light risk scoring provides clear results that empower swift action with a full audit trail. Configure your unique compliance thresholds based on your crypto platform’s Risk-Based Approach.

Continuous AML monitoring ensures risk scores are always updated as soon as new information is available.

AML crypto risk scoring
Unlock Insights using our KYC service

Know Your Business Verification

Launchpad and Fund Due Diligence

Instill trust in new crypto ventures and validate executives, founders, and investors reliably with our robust suite of KYC and KYB solutions. Ensure compliance and mitigate risks by leveraging our advanced verification technology tailored for launchpads and crypto funds.

For enhanced coverage, including on-chain AML monitoring, transaction screening, and more, view Trust Node Level.

Recommended solutions

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Real-time continuous monitoring

Keep on top of your Ongoing Due Diligence (ODD) obligations with ease, using our continuous monitoring service. You’ll get notified in real-time.

icon showing a customer. Identity assurance

Customer authentication

Limit user access and ensure your products and other customers are secure without adding friction that risks losing your current customers.

Icon of a user under a magnifier. Due diligence compliance

Customer due diligence

Whether you need to perform customer due diligence (CDD) or enhanced due diligence (EDD), stay safe with our best-in-class onboarding flows

Numbers that back it up

Why Complycube?

The ComplyCube platform offers the most complete and flexible KYC tools to help you build trust in your business. Whether you’re a startup or a multinational enterprise, we’ve got you covered.

10+ million

Transactions are processed week in and week out across the globe.


Countries and territories supported for a greater peace of mind.


Data points from trusted sources and partners across the world, giving you the highest coverage.


Client onboarding rate, helping you convert more customers and grow your business.