Trust Node: Level 2 On-chain KYC

Our most complete suite of crypto KYC solutions. Comprehensive coverage, from client acquisition to VASP and wallet transaction screening. Our on-chain KYC package gives your platform the tools to detect fraudulent activity, whatever form it may take.

on-chain KYC is easier with Trust Node Level 2's solutions

Over 70% of laundered crypto funds run through the same 5 exchanges. Prevent your VASP from being a target with on-chain KYC solutions.

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Core Identity Verification

Our robust IDV technologies streamline customer onboarding while producing precise results.

Icon for ongoing due dilligence

On-chain AML monitoring

Transaction and VASP screening ensures
users are perpetually vetted at every step of a transfer.

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Comprehensive compliance

Uninterrupted security from every
country, ID, and transaction. Scale with confidence.

Trusted by big names

albaraka off white
citi bank off white
accenture logo white
Lyca Mobile icon
axa off white

Frictionless Client Onboarding

Autonomous Identity Verification

The crypto market moves fast, and drawn-out client acquisition deters the value your business provides. Our system instantly matches selfies with documents according to customized similarity thresholds, giving you total control over compliance.

  • Verification in seconds

  • Dependable outcomes

  • Minimized client attrition

crypto compliance is simplified with automated idv flows.
Multi bureau checks

Powerful AML Checks

Advanced Customer Due Diligence

Leveraging our suite of AML services, such as Proof of Address with IP verification, geolocation matching, and network spoofing, you can be sure users are accessing your platform in the regions you’re truly licensed in.

Our extensive list of institutional partnerships empowers compliance executives to uncover suspicious individuals quickly.

React to associated risks

AML Customer Risk Scoring

An intelligent traffic light-inspired risk system delivers clear results that are imperative for punctual responses. Verified data is available with an accompanying audit trail to ensure maximum data accessibility.

  • Immediate results

  • Actionable insights

  • Tailored remedies

AML crypto risk scoring
Unlock Insights using our KYC service

Comprehensive Corporate Verification

Launchpad and KYB Due Diligence

Build confidence in new projects and investment relationships by validating executives, founders, and investors with our leading crypto KYC and KYB solutions.

Contribute to the global crypto economy without fear of non-compliance with our expansive industry coverage.

Advanced VASP Risk Analysis

Enhanced Risk Scoring

Identify the potential risks associated with communicating with other providers with our VASP and wallet risk scoring infrastructure. By providing a nuanced and holistic risk analysis, get the data necessary to make timely and tailored decisions.

This information is provided in real-time and is continuously on high alert. Our system updates user risk scores as new information becomes available, ensuring your compliance analysts are always one step ahead.

Crypto kyc solutions such as VASP screening are imperative for crypto platforms
crypto kyc and transaction screening

Screen Transactions Around the Clock

Crypto Transaction Screening

Real-time transaction screening flags transactions that seem suspicious in intent to prevent Anti-Money Laundering breaches.

Global AML regulations are dynamic; flexibility maintains competitiveness. With personalized risk scenarios, your crypto platform can be sure to juggle competitiveness with regulatory compliance.

Monitor On-chain Transactions

Blockchain Transaction Monitoring

Trust Node Level 2’s robust transaction monitoring infrastructure looks for anomalies, malicious activity, and patterns that suggest dubious behavior, so you can spot the signs of fraud that typical methodologies might miss.

This gives your platform the tools to identify, investigate and take action on users who don’t comply with your risk tolerance or compliance policies.

on-chain kyc and aml services are vital for centralized exchanges and other VASPs

Recommended solutions

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Ensure you know exactly who your users might be transferring to with our advanced sanctions and PEP screening engine.

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Increase security with frictionless address verification. Ensure that users are using your VASP and related services from licensed regions only.

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Advanced AML risk scoring is the most sure way of comprehending associated client risks. Make use of every ounce of data available.

Numbers that back it up

Why Complycube?

The ComplyCube platform offers the most complete and flexible KYC tools to help you build trust in your business. Whether you’re a startup or a multinational enterprise, we’ve got you covered.

10+ million

Transactions are processed week in and week out across the globe.


Countries and territories supported for a greater peace of mind.


Data points from trusted sources and partners across the world, giving you the highest coverage.


Client onboarding rate, helping you convert more customers and grow your business.